MTSS Deconstructed - A Model for Continuous Improvement to move from a Crisis Response to Proactive and Predictable Responses
Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 6/21/2023 11:59 PM
Last Date to Cancel: 6/23/2023 11:59 PM
MTSS Deconstructed - A Model for Continuous Improvement to move from a Crisis Response to Proactive and Predictable Responses
Target Audience: Preferable school teams: Administrator, School Psychologist, Social Worker, Behavior Intervention Specialists, MTSS Team Reps
This training will help you move from operating in crisis mode to proactive and predictable responses in meeting the needs of your students. These past few years have been disruptive and many have been in reactive, rather than proactive mode.
We will work with you to:?
Revisit your current practices (tiers of intervention)
What resources are in place?
What processes do you have in place to move students from tier to tier?
What data points do you have in place, or need to establish, to optimize your system?
What barriers do you see for implementing operational processes?
Develop an action plan prioritizing next steps.
Co-Facilitators: Dave Stern & Chris Streiff Oji
Dave Stern, LICSW, retired in 2013 from a career as Behavioral Health Coordinator for Alexandria Public Schools in Alexandria, MN. Dave developed programs to close the achievement gap for at-risk students, identify remedial services for children with special needs, and support teachers in addressing both academic and social-emotional needs for all learners. In 2015, Dave began consulting with school districts urban, suburban and rural on full implementation of MTSS specifically on the integration of SEL and Academic Tiers of Intervention.
Chris Streiff Oji was born and raised in Los Angeles, California but after 31 years considers Minnesota to be home. She has 27 years of experience in Education in Minnesota serving as a teacher K-12, middle and elementary school building administrator. She led professional development and continuous improvement at the district level for the Rochester Public Schools where she assisted schools in developing their strategic focus with an equity lens. She has been an equity advocate addressing gaps with measurable results both academically and behaviorally at both the district and building level. She developed the FISH! For Schools Curriculum and consulted with school districts across the U.S. to improve culture and climate in schools. Chris completed the NAESP Leadership Immersion Institute on coaching and mentoring principals. She currently serves as the Professional Development Strategist for Metro ECSU.
Lunch Included
$250 Member
$300 Non-member
Please make checks payable to Metro ECSU and mail to:
Metro ECSU
Attn: Brittany Stepan
2 Pine Tree Drive, Suite 101
Arden Hills, MN 55112
Please note: If an invoice is required, an additional fee of $10 will be applied.
Special Accommodations: Please alert BrightWorks 2-3 weeks prior to the workshop/event if you need special accommodations, including sign language interpreters. (BrightWorks requires a notice of 2 business days to cancel a sign language interpreter. If you fail to cancel, we reserve the right to bill your school/district for this expense.) Update your profile as needed. Special accommodations are not included with each registration, but are stored in your profile until you make changes.