Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 4/11/2024 11:59 PM
Last Date to Cancel: 4/10/2024 11:59 PM
You are registering for the IN-PERSON option. For the Virtual Summit, please navigate to the event titled "VIRTUAL OPTION: MN PBIS Sustainability Summit"
Join us for the Minnesota Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Sustainability Summit, taking place on April 10th, 2024, from 8:30am-3:30pm!
This in-person summit will be taking place at BrightWorks, located inside Bethel University’s Anderson Center at 2 Pine Tree Drive, Arden Hills, MN.
**Please plan on arriving at the Anderson Center between 8:00-8:15am - the Summit will begin promptly at 8:30am**
The summit will include: 4 session choices, PBIS coaching, and recordings from virtual sessions & materials from all sessions!
Sessions Will Include:
School-wide (SW) PBIS is Foundational for Non-Exclusionary Responses | The School Wide Positive Behavior Support framework helps staff become clear about evidence-based practices that will bring valued outcomes to life. This session will explore the beliefs, mindset, language and practices embedded within the framework that are foundational for non-exclusionary response. |
PBIS Tier 2: Fidelity Essentials and Matching Interventions to Behaviors | In this session we will review the core features of Tier 2 fidelity including teams, interventions and evaluation. From there we will identify some of the common behaviors that might occur in your school and how to match them to evidence-based interventions. You will also learn how to leverage your data to make decisions to better support individual students and intervention implementation. The trainers are active members of school communities and will share ready to implement tools and ideas to get your teams rocking! |
Evidence-Based Classroom Practices that Create Consistent Adult Actions | The goal of this session is to review a few evidence-based classroom practices that, when done with fidelity, result in great outcomes for staff and students. These classroom practices provide the foundation for all learning. Consistent positive adult actions create consistent positive student outcomes! When the adults in a school focus on doing these few things well, everyone benefits. |
Application of Positive Behavior Support to Guide Non-Exclusionary Response | School exclusion is a common response to student conduct violations, but is more likely to worsen future outcomes for the students affected. This session will provide school teams with concrete examples of alternative approaches whereby educators and behavioral health practitioners can reduce future conduct risk and improve school engagement. |
Summit Schedule:
8:45am - 11:15pm | Morning Session |
11:15am - 12:00pm | Lunch |
12:00pm - 2:30pm | Afternoon Session |
2:30pm - 3:30pm | Team Coaching/Work Time |
Interpreter Needs & Registration Questions: to make arrangements for interpreter services or for any questions regarding registration, please contact Kevin at kevin.monagan@brightworksmn.org
PBIS Sustainability Summit Captioning: If you would like access to captioned recordings of the Sustainability Summit, you can sign up to receive those recordings by registering and paying for the VIRTUAL summit option. If you have any questions about Sustainability Summit captioning, please contact Kevin at kevin.monagan@brightworksmn.org
This workshop is made possible by a grant from the MN Department of Education, Federal Award CFDA#84.027A - Special Education Grants to States, IDEA Part B-611
Special Accommodations: Please alert BrightWorks 2-3 weeks prior to the workshop/event if you need special accommodations, including sign language interpreters. (BrightWorks requires a notice of 2 business days to cancel a sign language interpreter. If you fail to cancel, we reserve the right to bill your school/district for this expense.) Update your profile as needed. Special accommodations are not included with each registration, but are stored in your profile until you make changes.