(K-12 Interpreter) Ethics: Where Do I Stand?
For K-12 Educational ASL Interpreters
Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 2/13/2024 11:59 PM
Last Date to Cancel: 2/11/2024 11:59 PM
Ethics: Where Do I Stand?
Link for participation will be emailed to Registrants on the day before the workshop.
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Presented in Spoken English.
For K-12 ASL Educational Interpreters (FREE).
For all others, who are not Minnesota school district interpreters and fall outside our target audience, the fee is $25.
Workshop Description:
The educational setting, like many other settings, is full of ethical dilemmas and situations that require us to consider the students, teachers, and other participants in the interpreting setting. Do you ever feel like making an ethical decision is a little bit like walking through an educational minefield? We often wonder if we have a responsibility to “let go” of our personal beliefs when working as an interpreter. This workshop will help us identify the criteria that determine whether a genuine conflict exists. It is important to recognize that our personal beliefs and values do make a difference when we encounter ethical dilemmas. Yet, many of us have been left wondering if the decisions we made were right or wrong, good, or bad, or someplace in-between. Through discussions, we will come to understand what it means to hold a sacred trust as a professional and how to maintain that trust. Throughout the training we will examine and discuss ethical scenarios, these open discussions will help us determine how to prevent ethical explosions. In addition, we will demystify terms that influence our ethical decision-making, such as deontological, teleological, morals, character, and values.
Workshop Objectives:
- Compare and identify at least 1-2 differences between right versus right and right versus wrong ethical situations.
- Identify potential ethical conflicts and 1-2 tenets of the CPC that would apply to academic ethical scenarios.
- Identify one difference between Teleological and Deontological ways of thinking/acting.
- Analyze ethical scenarios for (potential) ethical conflicts, list 1 tenet per conflict.
- Defend ethical decisions using the CPC, knowledge of right/right situations, and explain how you came to your resolution.
William F. Ross III, M.S. is currently the Vice President of Hands Up Communications, an all-access language company in Ocala, Florida. He is also one of the primary authors for one of the most recognized texts in the field of interpreting, You Want To Be An Interpreter? (5th Ed.) As a child of Deaf parents, he has been interpreting for more than 38 years and holds national certification (CI/CT) from the Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf. Previously, Bill was the Curriculum Development Specialist for Deaf Bible Society (DBS); an international organization that provided training and resources for individuals working on Scripture translation. Prior to working at DBS, he was the Program Director of the Carlstrom Interpreter Training Program at North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bill is passionate about building mentoring relationships, studying American Sign Language, and accompanying interpreters on the journey of perfecting their craft.
CEU Hours: 0.2 RID CEUs
Sponsored by Regional Low Incidence Projects - Region 11
This training is funded with a grant from MDE using federal funding, CFDA 84.027A, Special Education - Grants to States. This event does not necessarily represent the policy of the federal Department of Education or the state Department of Education. You should not assume endorsement by the federal or state government.
Special Accommodations: Please alert BrightWorks 2-3 weeks prior to the workshop/event if you need special accommodations, including sign language interpreters. (BrightWorks requires a notice of 2 business days to cancel a sign language interpreter. If you fail to cancel, we reserve the right to bill your school/district for this expense.) Update your profile as needed. Special accommodations are not included with each registration, but are stored in your profile until you make changes.